Résultats: 6

    Examining the efficiency and effectiveness of ontario’s health workforce regulatory system

    The regulation and oversight of the health professionals responsible for providing care to patients in Ontario is an important mechanism to ensure patients receive the highest-quality care possible (e.g., by setting the standards that professionals need to meet in their practice) while mitigating, to the...

    Improving access to skilled attendance at delivery: full report

    The purpose of this report is to inform deliberations among policymakers and stakeholders. It summarises the best available evidence regarding the design and implementation of policies for extending the use of non-medically trained primary health care workers to deliver cost-effective maternal and child ...

    Strategies de reduction de la mortalite maternelle en Republique Centrafricaine

    Mortalité maternelle est un grave problème de santé publique en RCA avec un taux de 1355 décès pour 100.000 naissances vivantes. Quatre principales difficultés sont à la base de ce problème: a) Difficultés liées à l´accès aux soins. b) Difficultés liées à l´insuffisance et à la réparti...

    WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting

    Human resource shortages in the health services are widely acknowledged as a threat to the attainment of the healthrelated Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Attempts to optimize the potential of the existing health workforce are therefore crucial. A more rational distribution of tasks and responsibili...

    Policy dialogue on task shifting for health workers in maternal and child healthcare: report

    This dialogue to discuss the policy brief which outlines health policy options using the current research evidence is a fulfillment of one of UNHRO?s responsibilities of supporting evidence-based policy decisions. It was noted that there is an acute shortage of human resources for health in Africa and Ug...

    Soutenir l’utilisation des évidences scientifiques issues de la recherche pour l’élaboration des politiques dans les systèmes de santé en Afrique

    Au Burkina Faso, la promotion de la santé de la mère et de l'enfant a toujours fait partie du paquet d'activités développé par les services de santé. Cependant, l'efficacité de ces nombreuses interventions reste très faible surtout en termes d'impact sur la mortalité maternelle et néonatale. Pr...